Meander Valley Gazette

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Table tennis winners are grinners

From left: Phoenix Newitt (most improved), Liam Collins (9/10 champion), Harri Poke (7/8 champion). Photo supplied.

Harri Poke and Liam Collins were the winners of the Deloraine High School table tennis tournament, held every Friday lunchtime during Term 3. Deloraine Table Tennis League helped organise the competition and donated the prizes.

Harri Poke beat Felix Page in the final of the 7/8 competition. Liam Collins beat Drew Leugis in the final of the 9/10 competition. Phoenix Newitt won the most improved award. Congratulations to all involved. 

Deloraine Table Tennis League plays at the Deloraine Performing Arts Centre every Wednesday, from 3.30-5pm (inclusion table tennis) and again from 7-9.30pm (social roster competition).