WOAD 2021 creates their gallery on Emu Bay Road

Spring by Sylvie Wylie, one of the many artworks at WOAD21.

Arts Deloraine has once again mounted Windows On the Arts Deloraine, a shop window showcase of wonderful and interesting artworks by local painters, printmakers, sculptors and textile artists. 

WOAD21 turned the windows of Emu Bay Road into an art gallery where visitors and residents could stroll past the shops and businesses, looking at the artworks on show. 

Yellow and black street signs and pavement stickers indicated the places where the artworks could be viewed. 

In every window, to accompany the artwork, yellow cards were displayed, containing the artist’s statement and other information. 

Works for sale were paid for and collected from the Western Tiers Visitors Centre, at the end of the exhibition.


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