Meander Valley Gazette

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Heritage haven for Halls Hut

In the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, at Lake Malbena in the Walls of Jerusalem, stands Halls Hut.

Halls Hut was constructed in 1955–56 on an island in the lake by Launceston lawyer and passionate bushwalker Reg Hall. 

Reg Hall first entered the Walls of Jerusalem in 1928 and, with no other official names to any of the natural features, applied many of the biblical names still in use today. 

In November 2021, Halls Hut became a permanent entry in the Tasmanian Heritage Register.

In the last few years Halls Hut and the wilderness surrounding it have become part of the conservation battle over the state government’s wilderness privatisation agenda

There is widespread public interest in the proposed commercial ecotourism activities on the island and the future of Halls Hut itself. 

The Greens’ Cassy O’Connor has welcomed the permanent entry, but believes the historic hut and island deserve the further protection of the TWWHA Management Plan.

‘Just like the TWWHA it is part of, Reg Hall’s hut, Halls Island and Lake Malbena all belong to the Tasmanian people.’