Meander Valley Gazette

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Lovely, lovely Ludwig van

TSO Livestream and Arts Deloraine have brought some wonderful concerts to Deloraine in 2021. Photo supplied.

Dit dit dit dah! Those famous first four notes of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony figured in the final TSO Livestream Concert of the year.

This concert was brought to the Meander Valley by Arts Deloraine in conjunction with TSO, livestreamed at the Little Theatre on 27 0f November.

It was the culmination of a very popular concert series featuring Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, Mussorgski’s Pictures at an Exhibition, Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No 3, Mozart’s Serenade and Barber’s Adagio.

And of course, there was Beethoven’s First Symphony, Third Symphony (Eroica) and4th Symphony and his Fifth Symphony. What a season! 

Each concert was preceded by commentary and discussion with the conductor and other presenters.

The enthusiastic audience members, including young music students, were able to sit back in their comfortable seats, seeing close ups of the musicians and listening to the beautiful music waft over them.

Next year it is hoped to continue Arts Deloraine’s successful relationship with TSO to bring more sublime music to the Meander Valley.