Meander Valley Gazette

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Tassie Jak forever

Jak is a very lucky little dog who turns 19 on January 13 2022, the anniversary of the day he found his forever home 14 years ago, with the Robinson family in Westbury.

‘Tassie Jak’, the day lily named for Jak by Sue Gebicki of Birralee. Jak’s memory can now live on in the gardens, as well as the hearts of family and friends.

Jak joined Di and Rob Robinson’s family 14 years ago, after he was found alone and living on road kill in the Reedy Marsh Sawmill area. Dodging heavy traffic for about eight months, local residents said he was too aloof to trust efforts to befriend him.

When Rob Robinson saw him, he shared meat from his lunch for two days to be able to pick him up and bring him home to Di and their family of two German Shepherds, two cats and two miniature horses! 

The Robinsons were able to accommodate Jak at short notice, by starting him off with a crate on that first night, to get him acquainted with everyone and gain his trust. 

Jak required a full vet check immediately. Two ticks were safely removed and his age was estimated to be 3–4 years old.

Despite all their efforts to trace where Jak came from, no records were ever found for Jak Australia wide. 

Unsuccessful in finding his owner or a suitable adoption family, Jak had already settled into the Robinson household with two adopted Shepherds who really liked him. He was also shown very quickly by Jarbu and Mollii ‘just how cats work’!

Jak quickly became the latest forever family member. He was very happy with his new pack, his tail wagging all day and a constant, very visible smile on his face. 

Jak took to the daily routine of walks around Westbury, visits to the Town Common and to the miniature horses. 

More recently, a little red rescue hen joined the family, and would lay down next to Jak when he was having a nap in the garden.

Jak is Di Robinson’s constant shadow. ‘Jak is a very social little animal with all people and dogs that he meets. He loves to go in a trolley at Bunnings, choose a treat on visits to Launceston pet stores and enjoy Tamar River and Meander River walks. He loves all bush walks and beach combing and has many friends in Westbury and beyond. 

In Autumn this year, Di and Jak visited Sue Gebicki at her Birralee nursery to choose a celebration plant for Jak’s 18th birthday, last January.

With a huge range of perennial plants to choose from, Di chose a day lily in Jak’s gold coat colours and Sue told her it was a new hybrid she had bred, yet to be named or registered.

Sue offered to register the day lily in Jak’s honour as ‘Tassie Jak’.

‘We were very humbled by Sue’s honour to Jak for his 18th birthday. Jak will now be immortal through this beautiful gesture,’ said Di. 

‘Sadly there are many dogs just like Jak who need to be rescued and loved … I encourage everyone to consider an instant rescue situation’.

‘Jak’s journey has just been amazing. He’s gone from a very scared little dog, stressed by storms, fireworks or if he couldn’t see us, who wanted to chase wildlife for his food!

‘Jak is now transformed into a very confident little dog, compatible with all animals, loving all people and enjoying a full and happy life. 

‘We've enjoyed all our adventures together in this almost 15 year journey. All these memories are so valuable.’ 

‘We’ve also had lots of visits to Sue’s Birralee nursery and strongly recommend a visit to everyone.’

Sue Gebicki’s Birralee nursery and garden is 14km from Westbury. Well worth the journey, as regular visitor Jak will confirm.