Meander Valley Gazette

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Crikey, it’s Rijke!

Rijke McGough and her Black Russian terrier Mowli are a regular sight in Deloraine. Photo supplied.

John Phelps

Rijke McGough is a polyglot.

But then, that’s not surprising because many people growing up in Europe acquire skill in several languages before they reach their teens.

Rijke (rhymes with crikey) was born in London, then moved to the Netherlands. 

As a young adult, seeking the sun and a healthy lifestyle, she volunteered to work on an Israeli kibbutz for a few months. 

She was still there twelve years later, having added Hebrew to her four European languages. She married a vet and had a daughter, Lisa. 

Lisa’s birth took place in a primitive hospital in the mountains of the Golan Heights. When her new baby was taken away for the night, Rijke wondered how she would recognise her the next morning. 

No problem, as it turned out. Among fifteen dark-haired, dark-eyed Arabic babies, there was just one with red hair and freckles.

Rijke moved to Australia, first of all to Glen Innes, and then to Byron Bay where she managed the local gym. 

But while the climate was pleasant, she craved the cooler climate into which she had been born. 

So, she moved to beautiful Tasmania about a decade ago – the best move ever! 

Lisa was concerned about her mother’s relocation, declaring ‘If you keep moving south, Mum, you’ll soon go over the edge!’

Rijke’s hobbies include gardening, cooking, reading, horse riding and being taken for walks by a giant dog, a Black Russian terrier named Mowli. 

Mowli is a great people magnet and Rijke gets to talk to lots of people walking along the street.

Another thing she enjoys doing is presenting a radio program on MVFM called ‘Meet Me in the Middle of the Air’, a program of music which has meant something to her. Every song is part of her life and there are all kinds of songs in there. It may be heard on Saturdays at 12 noon.

And she has ideas for future programs featuring other local people and their music. Watch out for her and her dog.