Meander Valley Gazette

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Have your say on health service problems

Tasmanians who have experienced difficulty accessing a GP booking or medical care are invited to contribute to a national inquiry.

Tasmanian Labor MHR Brian Mitchell said he and Labor colleagues led the charge for a Senate inquiry into GP and related health services in outer metropolitan, regional and rural Australia.

‘We all know how tough it can be to make a GP booking or access the medical care you need, especially for Tasmanians living outside the big cities,’ he said.

‘But we need your contributions. They are the key to turning this issue around.

‘If you’re a rural or regional Tasmanian, please take the time to share your experiences and feedback on current health care provision in non-metro areas.’

To contribute, log onto for assistance on how to prepare a submission. Or contact Tasmanian Senators Anne Urquhart and Catryna Bilyk, who are members of the committee overseeing the inquiry.