Meander Valley Gazette

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Back to Jackeys Marsh ... do you remember?

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JACKEYS MARSH has grown into a diverse and vibrant community over the course of many decades.

These recently discovered photos are from the Jackeys Marsh Forest Festival in 1991 (on Max Herron’s land) and 1992 (further up the Valley on Dr Tredinick’s land). An annual event from 1983 till 1996, every Australia Day long weekend, the festivals recommenced from 2006–2014 at the property now known as Forest Walks Lodge.

Drawing people from Tasmania, interstate and overseas, the festivals celebrated Tasmania’s forests and supported their protection from logging. Visitors participated in workshops and enjoyed amazing music performances, highlights including Yothu Yindi and Wild Pumpkins at Midnight. The festivals featured local musicians, supported local businesses and attracted many folk to move to the area.

Do you recognise anyone? Friends, neighbours, family?

If you have stories and photos to share about life in the Meander Valley, we would love to hear from you.


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... do you remember?

Festivals at Jackeys Marsh and the surrounding area are still fondly remembered by local residents. Photographs supplied