Meander Valley Gazette

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Blackstone Heights sizzles despite the drizzle

Despite inclement weather the Blackstone Heights Christmas Sausage Sizzle still went ahead. From left, Susie Bower, Janelle Dehle, Irma Peters, Wendy Peychers, Graham Houghton, Stephen Peters, Lynnie Westlake and Sally Poke.  Photo by Andrew Shepherd Despite inclement weather the Blackstone Heights Christmas Sausage Sizzle still went ahead. From left, Susie Bower, Janelle Dehle, Irma Peters, Wendy Peychers, Graham Houghton, Stephen Peters, Lynnie Westlake and Sally Poke.  Photo by Andrew Shepherd

Despite inclement weather the Blackstone Heights Christmas Sausage Sizzle still went ahead. From left, Susie Bower, Janelle Dehle, Irma Peters, Wendy Peychers, Graham Houghton, Stephen Peters, Lynnie Westlake and Sally Poke. Photo by Andrew Shepherd

David Claridge

EACH YEAR before Christmas, Blackstone Heights residents host a market, allowing the community to come together and reflect on the past year.

This year, a Covid-19 restricted event looked to be further hampered by bad weather, but that still didn’t stop the locals from getting out and making the most of it.

Lynnie Westlake, committee member with the Blackstone Heights Community News Association explained how Covid-19 had affected their event planning.

‘There is normally a market in Blackstone Park. Because of Covid, it was too difficult. We still wanted to do something else though and bring the residents together. We were hop- ing for the weather to ease up, but the clouds came over and it rained. It didn’t stop locals who still came with their umbrellas.

‘Bringing the community together, that’s the whole idea of our committee.

‘We are grateful to the Meander Valley Council for their help which enabled us to put the event on.’

The event was modelled after the Blackstone Heights Easter event, a sausage sizzle and Easter egg hunt, with lolly bags available for the children.

‘We love getting in there, cooking sausages and giving away the lollies’, said Lynnie.

The committee is hoping they can host the market again next year, with the Easter event already in the planning stages.

To stay informed on local matters, residents can join the Facebook page ‘Blackstone Heights Community News’.