Meander Valley Gazette

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Councillors approve small lots in subdivision at Reedy Marsh

The property at 259 Wadleys Road, Reedy Marsh (highlighted in blue) will be divided into lots smaller than the 15 hectares recommended for the zone.    Image supplied The property at 259 Wadleys Road, Reedy Marsh (highlighted in blue) will be divided into lots smaller than the 15 hectares recommended for the zone.    Image supplied

The property at 259 Wadleys Road, Reedy Marsh (highlighted in blue) will be divided into lots smaller than the 15 hectares recommended for the zone.

Image supplied

Sharon Webb

MEANDER VALLEY councillors have approved a second subdivision of land in Reedy Marsh using their discretion to ratify lot sizes well below the 15 sq hectares recommended for the zone.

The move allows Paul and Samantha Heathcote at 259 Wadley’s Road to subdivide their land into lots sized 5.1, 4.7 and 15.7 hectares, with tight conditions.

A third Reedy Marsh subdivision application is in waiting at 610 River Road, part of the rush to subdivide land there before introduction of the Tasmanian Planning Scheme this year. This will likely mandate lots of 12 hectares, removing councillors’ ability to use discretion on Reedy Marsh subdivisions.

The 259 Wadley’s Road approval comes after it was initially discussed in the November council meeting. Difficulties with removal of protected trees and visibility of house sites from the road led to a 25 minute private meet- ing outside the council chamber among general manager John Jordan, mayor Wayne Johnston, planner Jo Oliver and Mr Heathcote.

The subdivision motion was subsequently withdrawn and re-presented at December’s council meeting.

In the interim, conditions were drawn up on the application.

• Boundary reallocations to protect eucalyptus ovata stands and other vegetation.
• Designated development areas for two house sites so houses cannot be seen from the road and do not require removal of standing vegetation.

Cllr Tanya King, who proposed the motion containing the conditions said, ‘I think this amendment gives the application more strength with regards to compliance with the planning scheme.’

Cllr Michael Kelly said it was a win-win situation: ‘It’s good we took the extra month to work through a few issues.’

Cllr Frank Nott, who was ready to refuse the application in November but approved it with the new conditions, commented that it could well be a test case for Reedy Marsh subdivisions.

‘Timing is everything. This is a window of opportunity; in the new planning scheme Reedy Marsh lot size will be a mandatory 12 hectares’, he said.

All councillors except Cllr John Temple voted for the subdivision.