Meander Valley Gazette

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Fly fishing campaign to hook travellers

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TOURISM TASMANIA is following up last year’s 39th World Fly Fishing Championship held in the Meander Valley with a new campaign to entice fly fishing enthusiasts to the state.

The campaign includes Central Plateautop fly fishing spots such as the Meander River, Little Pine Lagoon and 19 Lagoons, invit- ing fly fishers to ‘fish like a local’.

The Tasmanian international championships’ competitor, Christopher Bassano, shares local tips and techniques for catching trout.

The Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Guy Barnett, said Tasmania has some of the best fly fishing spots in the world.

‘We know that visitors that come to Tasmania to pursue interests such as fly fishing are more likely to stay longer and spend more, benefiting our regional communities and the broader visitor economy.

‘This is more important than ever as we continue to recover from COVID-19’, he said. ‘The campaign is designed to appeal to both male and female fly fishers and includes advertising across a number of digital and print channels that specifically target fishing enthusiasts, enticing them to experience fly fishing in Tasmania.’

The campaign forms part of Tourism Tasmania’s program of Unordinary Adventures which targets visitors who travel to pursue their passions, including fly fishing, mountain biking, golf and walking.

More information on fly fishing in Tasmania can be found here: