Meander Valley Gazette

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Humble sheep poo playing its role

Back: Westbury Lions Chris Kilby and Geoff Harvey.  Front: Vicki Casey of Westbury Hardware, Home & Co; Purple4Prostate ladies Anne, Katrina & Gay.   Photo supplied Back: Westbury Lions Chris Kilby and Geoff Harvey.  Front: Vicki Casey of Westbury Hardware, Home & Co; Purple4Prostate ladies Anne, Katrina & Gay.   Photo supplied

Back: Westbury Lions Chris Kilby and Geoff Harvey.

Front: Vicki Casey of Westbury Hardware, Home & Co; Purple4Prostate ladies Anne, Katrina & Gay.

Photo supplied

THE PRESIDENT of Westbury Lions Club Phil Steers has thanked the Westbury community for its support during the past year.

‘The Covid period has really restricted fundraising, but we have been able to continue our signature activity of collecting and bagging sheep manure.’

In the early stages of the pandemic, people were spending more time than usual in their gardens and demand for the manure was strong.

Mr Steers said that this demand has not abated. He estimates that the Club has collected well over 1000 bags of manure during 2020.

‘This has allowed us to continue our support of local causes and charities.’

The Club has a strong connection with the Westbury Purple4Prostate group. ‘They do such a wonderful job in assisting local men who have been diagnosed with this insidious form of cancer.’

Mr Steers also paid tribute to local farmers and Vicki Casey at Westbury Hardware, Home & Co, where the manure is sold.

‘It’s a real team effort. Local farmers very generously give us access to their sheds.

‘And, without Westbury Hardware, Home & Co’s assistance in selling our product, we wouldn’t be able to lend a hand to Purple4Prostate and other local organizations.

‘I’d like to express Lions’ appreciation to the local community for buying the manure.

‘By doing so, they are indi- rectly making a donation to a local charity, school or other worthy cause.’