Many hands make rotary work

In the Ian Knight Room, Rotary Function Centre: the Carpet Cleaner; Community Director and Rotary Function Centre Committee Chairman Andrew Dare; President-Elect and Club Service Director Tony Jones.  Photo suppliedIn the Ian Knight Room, Rotary Function Centre: the Carpet Cleaner; Community Director and Rotary Function Centre Committee Chairman Andrew Dare; President-Elect and Club Service Director Tony Jones.  Photo supplied

In the Ian Knight Room, Rotary Function Centre: the Carpet Cleaner; Community Director and Rotary Function Centre Committee Chairman Andrew Dare; President-Elect and Club Service Director Tony Jones. Photo supplied

‘WE MAY not be able to travel overseas but we can still make a difference.’

The Rotary Function Centre is being prepared for a function in February organised by the Rotary Club of Deloraine International Services Director Tim Biggs who, with the club, is planning a special dinner of international dishes in the Ian Knight Room to raise funds for an international project.

The club is able to make use of the commercial kitchen, tables and chairs and a very good supply of table settings.

The building was purchased many years ago by the Rotary Club of Deloraine from a local family when the popular indoor cricket roster finished.

The Function Centre includes the Rotary Big Hall where many locals would remember having a lot of fun playing indoor cricket, the Ian Knight Room, commercial kitchen,movable raised stage, overhead projector, screen and access to wifi.

It is owned, maintained and managed by the Rotary Club of Deloraine and is regularly hired by local community groups, various functions. It is a site for the Tasmanian Craft Fair that is organised by the Rotary Club of Deloraine.

For information call Ann on 03 6362 2325 or go to: www., au,


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