Aikido Summer School gets together on Zoom

A class at Tenchi Farm being shared on Zoom.  Photo suppliedA class at Tenchi Farm being shared on Zoom.  Photo supplied

A class at Tenchi Farm being shared on Zoom. Photo supplied

David Claridge

THE COVID-19 plight of 2020 is still being felt across the country and Aikikai Australia Aikido students had to find a way to host their annual Summer School without anyone boarding a plane.

Melbourne usually hosts a gathering of hundreds of aikido students from across Australia to study together and renew friendships each summer.

This year, Meander was fortunate to host a portion of the national event. Australian President and 7th Dan Tony Smibert Shihan, a Deloraine local, was able to broadcast his lessons from the dojo at Tenchi Farm in Meander.

Bodhi McSweeney of Tenchi Farm, explained how the threeday event was unlike anything they had ever experienced.

‘We had two cameras set up in the dojo, wifi access and a projector screening onto the wall. Each morning, Tony Sensei and other senior instructors would zoom classes to other dojos across Australia.’

‘The classes throughout the days consisted of various local senior instructors taking lessons. There was meditation and chances for the students to rest and enjoy the harmony of nature at Tenchi.

‘For Summer School there is usually an international guest. This year we were treated to a prerecorded class from overseas.’

Martin Bratzel, who hosted the event with Bodhi, was pleased that the thirty-five attendees from around Tasmania got a lot from the training, given the unique circumstances.

‘It was a real community event. Everyone was doing what they loved, so they were relaxed and enjoyed each other’s company, It was a very uplifting event.’


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