Meander Valley Gazette

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Citizen of the Year for ‘local butcher’ Don Simpson

Don Simpson is a familar figure around Deloraine.  Photo supplied Don Simpson is a familar figure around Deloraine.  Photo supplied

Don Simpson is a familar figure around Deloraine. Photo supplied

DON SIMPSON is known by longterm Deloraine residents as the town’s butcher, although he hasn’t been that for a long time.

These days he’s retired. He and his wife Sheila live just along the road from their former business at the top of the town, now the c.

‘I ran Simpson’s Meat Mart for 40 years’, he said. ‘We decided to retire in our late 60s.’

Since then life has been busy.

Now 87, Don has been a member of Rotary for 24 years.

He still rakes the bunkers at the Deloraine Golf Club and takes away the rubbish every Friday.

He’s a life member of the Golf Club and the Deloraine Districts Anglers Club.

Don remembers the days when he was captain of the local cricket team and took his own lawn mower to the pitch to cut the grass before they could play.

He’s also played basketball, darts and eight ball. ‘There wasn’t anything I didn’t play but I didn’t do anything well’, he commented.

The day Meander Valley Council named Don as Citizen of the Year was a double celebration in the Simpson family. It was Don and Sheila’s 63rd wedding anniversary.

Their four kids are spread far and wide, but are still in Tasmania.

David works for Woolies, Rodney at Ashley Detention Centre, Steven in banking and Robyn in Launceston.

‘You do things without needing recognition. I like to help people out’, Don said.