Meander Valley Gazette

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Honey and oats – lunchbox treats

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Wendy Hays

AFTER THE flurry of organising uniforms and books along with managing the excitement (and anxiety) of children returning to school, many parents are breathing a heavy sigh of relief.

However, now comes the arduous chore of packing school lunches and thinking up healthy, appealing ways of nourishing the littlies at lunch and play time.

Supermarket catalogues now feature an ever increasing array of portioned, convenient lunch box treats.

Many of these are of dubious nutritional value and are often high in sugar, fat and salt.

Research shows that eating habits established during childhood are often carried through into adult life.

This month’s recipe for Honey and Oat Bars is a simple, economical lunch box treat that can be in and out of the oven in 30 minutes. It is probably much healthier, satisfying and cheaper than many of the prepackaged alternatives.

Honey and Oats Bars


3/4 cup plain flour

1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda

1/4 tsp salt (optional)

1 cup rolled oats

2/3 cup shredded coconut

1 egg – beaten

1/2 cup raw castor sugar

1/3–1/2 cup chopped dried fruit of your choice e.g. apricots, sultanas, apple or chocolate bits1 tbs honey (or golden syrup)

125g butter or margarine – melted


1 Turn oven onto 180°C or 350°F and line and grease a slice/slab tin.

2 Sift flour, soda and salt together.

3 Melt butter/margarine and honey/golden syrup together in a small saucepan or in the microwave.

4 Mix melted butter, beaten egg and dry ingredients together.

5 Press mixture firmly into prepared tin with the back of a spoon.

6 Bake for about 20–25 minutes or until starting to brown around the edges. The slice will firm up as it cools.

7 Cool in tin then cut into fingers.

8 For an extra special treat, you could drizzle the bars with a little melted chocolate.