Meander Valley Gazette

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The art of Keith Looby

Resurrection  by Keith Looby, National Gallery of Australia  Photo supplied Resurrection  by Keith Looby, National Gallery of Australia  Photo supplied

Resurrection by Keith Looby, National Gallery of Australia Photo supplied

ARTS DELORAINE is proud to present a free screening of Looby.

Archibald prize winner in 1984, Keith Looby won major art prizes at home and abroad. Today his name and works are rarely seen.

‘Looby’s insistence on painting controversial figures – from communist Rupert Lockwood to feminist Anne Summers – won him few friends in power. Likewise, his illustrations on the horrors of colonialism – Black and White History of Australia – remain confronting today.’

Born in Sydney, Keith Looby entered the National Art School at age 15 and graduated with an unmistakable style that went on to win the Sulman, Blake and Archibald prizes. The latter was a portrait of Max Gillies as Bob Hawke.

‘Looby’s original score complements the mercurial moods of the man, while calm cinematography invites viewers to luxuriate in the striking figures and expansive scale of his work. With an ostracised artist at its centre, Looby lets us appreciate what establishment tastemakers no longer can.’

Date Sunday 21 February 2021

Time 4pm (please arrive early)

Duration 80 min (plus Q+A after the screening)

Where Little Theatre, Deloraine Performing Arts Centre

Tickets Free but booking essential through www.trybooking. com/BOFMA