Keeping cows out of creeks


THE STATE Government is helping farmers keep cows out of creeks to the strength of $100,000.

Under the Cows out of Creeks program, the government is trying to convince farmers that cows trampling creeks which supply water to people is not a good thing.

Guy Barnett , Minister for Primary Industries and Water, said $5,000 grants will be provided to 20 farmers across the state to build infrastructure and install offstream watering system aimed at preventing cows from accessing waterways.

‘This funding commitment follows the success of the past seven rounds of the Clean

Rivers and Cows out of Creeks programs’, Mr Barnett said.

‘I was pleased to join the Howe family at Caveside to announce the latest round of funding for the program which has assisted farmers to sustainably grow their businesses while protecting Tasmania’s precious waterways.

‘It has also helped to ensure that livestock are drinking clean water and are healthier, and by removing livestock from our waterways, we are reducing the nutrient, sediment and pathogen loads entering them.’

More information can be found at www.dairyaustralia.


Giant Steps’ footprint expands as they grow


Mark Yole is a winner, in life and on the track