James Dean lives fast at the Carrick Cup

James Dean (inside) winning the Page Transport Carrick Cup.  Photo by Stacey LearJames Dean (inside) winning the Page Transport Carrick Cup.  Photo by Stacey Lear

James Dean (inside) winning the Page Transport Carrick Cup. Photo by Stacey Lear

JAMES DEAN was the pacer of the day at February’s Carrick Cup, leading all the way in a thrilling highlight of the day against challenger Buster William and the favourite, Mister Gently.

The former New Zealand horse was driven by Troy McDonald and trained by Ben Yole, brother of Carrick trainer/ driver Mark Yole, out of his Sidmouth stables.

Mark Yole’s horse Tisu Spirit ran fourth, disappointing after his win of the North-East Pacing Cup at Carrick a few weeks before.

A large crowd attended on a stunning summer afternoon, where competitors in the Fashion on the Fields delighted with frocks, fascinators and spiffy suits for the guys.


Beep, beep, woof, woof


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