Meander Valley Gazette

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Cogwebs and Strange

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John Phelps

‘HOW WOULD we describe our music? Well, it’s steampunk, alternative, noisy at times, strange, Goth, Victorian, strange – no, we’ve already said that – interesting, diverse.’

Thus spake Julia Gosling and Gordon Stoker!

They were talking about the program they host on Meander Valley Community Radio. It’s called ‘Cogwebs and Strange’ and its introductory music is based on a piece by The Who with a similar name.

This ebullient couple’s program may be heard on MVFM 96.9 at 9 pm on Mondays and Thursdays.

Julia and Gordon left London, England, five years ago to make their home in Tasmania.

And they love living in Deloraine because, among other reasons, it’s quiet, the air is clean and people are friendly.

They have been aficionados of Goth music for forty years or more so it’s not surprising that they enjoy and take part in alternative music played by Tasmanian bands which, they say, really make an effort. And achieve national success!

Julia and Gordon say they receive lots of positive community feedback about their program, especially when listeners call into their shop.

Of course, just entering their shop in Deloraine is quite an experience in itself, with plenty of strange, Gothic items on display.

There is even a passageway displaying all you would ever want to know about the ‘Whitechapel Murders’. Everything but the identity of Jack the Ripper himself.

How would they describe the contents of their shop?

‘Well, it’s steampunk, alternative, strange, interesting, diverse ...’

Please!. Don’t start all that again.