Get a wriggle on this summer!

Snake catcher Olivia Dykstra, of Whitemore, with one of her catches.  Photo suppliedSnake catcher Olivia Dykstra, of Whitemore, with one of her catches.  Photo supplied

Snake catcher Olivia Dykstra, of Whitemore, with one of her catches. Photo supplied

David Claridge

A SNAKE going for a swim at Lobster Falls in Mole Creek was caught on film that made it onto the ABC recently.

This is a is a scary reminder to keep vigilant for snakes over the hotter months.

In fact, according to local snake catcher Olivia Dykstra, they are entering their mating season and are more likely to be unpredictable at this time of the year.

Fresh from removing a ‘decent’ tiger snake from a property earlier, Olivia explained that male snakes are not going to be looking before crossing roads and will be more defensive than usual.

‘You need to keep away from snakes, she cautions. ‘If you come across a snake, don’t get close or they will get defensive. Give them a wide berth and leave them alone. Get kids and dogs inside and call a snake catcher.’

There are three species of land snakes in Tasmania, the Lowland Copperhead, Tiger snake and White-lipped snake. They are all venomous.

Olivia runs her business, Snake Catcher Tasmania, from Whitemore.

She relocates snakes that she catches to areas where they won’t cause harm.

‘I’m also in contact with a few farmers that are happy to have them on their property to keep the pests away.’

Olivia has some tips for avoiding snakes on your property. ‘Keep grass short and the yard tidy. Get everything up off the lawn. They can also be found in burn piles.’

Olivia can be contacted on 0438 558 782.


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