Hadspen Women’s Cricket, well on track and loving it!


David Claridge

HADSPEN’S WOMEN’S Cricket Team have wrapped up their season, learning a lot from what has been described as a development year.

Despite only two wins for the season, after winning their first match and round 12, the team is well on track to make gains next time around.

Club President, Corey Martin believes the benefit is that women who never played before had the opportunity to try it and found they love it.

‘The women have a culture where they want to have fun first, while still wanting to win, an important aspect of the game.’

‘They have improved every week they went out.’

The team plays T20 cricket, popular for its fast-paced play with only 20 overs in which to score as many runs as possible.

The club next year is looking to branch out and field an u14 skills development team.

‘We encourage anyone in the municipality interested in playing, to keep an eye on our Facebook page for any opportunities that may come up.

‘Anyone wanting to make friends and try their hand at a different sport – this is a great game.’


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