Meander Valley Gazette

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Birds of a feather

Front: Meander Valley Pigeon Society president Phil Young (Hobart) presents secretary Bronwyn O’Keefe (Exton) with her lifetime membership. Back from left: former national champion Alan Watts (Campbell Town) and treasurer Brian Leedham (Ulverstone).  Photo by Darren Harris Front: Meander Valley Pigeon Society president Phil Young (Hobart) presents secretary Bronwyn O’Keefe (Exton) with her lifetime membership. Back from left: former national champion Alan Watts (Campbell Town) and treasurer Brian Leedham (Ulverstone).  Photo by Darren Harris

Front: Meander Valley Pigeon Society president Phil Young (Hobart) presents secretary Bronwyn O’Keefe (Exton) with her lifetime membership. Back from left: former national champion Alan Watts (Campbell Town) and treasurer Brian Leedham (Ulverstone). Photo by Darren Harris

Darren Harris

THE MEANDER Valley Pigeon Society (MVPS) is a statewide group for pigeon lovers, exhibitors and breeders.

Formerly the Tamar Valley Pigeon Society, formed in 1998, the name changed in 2002.

In February, MVPS president Phil Young presented secretary Bronwyn O’Keefe with her lifetime award. Bronwyn has been club secretary since 2012.

Phil said the MVPS currently has 25 members/breeders from all over the state.

‘It is a very peaceful pastime. We encourage new people to join, and we all support new members to purchase pigeons from a qualified breeder, and for that person to then try and improve the young birds from there. It requires love and care, a lot of patience and perseverance getting the birds ready for show.’

The MVPS is based at the Longford Showgrounds and has four club meetings a year.

The club supports five agricultural shows a year – Hobart, Deloraine, Longford, Ulverstone and the Royal Launceston Show.

Club meets attract a variety of pigeon breeds said Phil.

‘There are 3,500 different types of pigeons in Australia, and about 50 different types in Tasmania. Pigeons are rated in their class, and there is also a Champion Bird of the Show.

‘At the end of the show season, there is also an award for the Exhibitor of the Year, an Encouragement Award, and juniors under the age of 16 are supported and encouraged.

‘We have members who also exhibit their birds at a national level.’

Phil said he will be attending the Australian National Pigeon Association National Show in Ipswich, Queensland, on July 23–25 this year.

The next meetings of the MVPS are 15 May, 19 June, 14 August and 11 September.

The club can be contacted on 0427 823298.