Meander Valley Gazette

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Bowled over ...

Old bowling hands and President Anthony Lowery watch Senator Colbeck try out the new Westbury green.  Photo supplied Old bowling hands and President Anthony Lowery watch Senator Colbeck try out the new Westbury green.  Photo supplied

Old bowling hands and President Anthony Lowery watch Senator Colbeck try out the new Westbury green. Photo supplied

ON 3 March, Westbury Bowls Club officially launched it new synthetic green, purchased with grant assistance from the Federal Government’s ongoing Community Sport Infrastructure Grant Program.

Laid diagonally and dead flat, the new green has met with full approval from long standing members, for its immaculate surface and because it requires very little maintenance no matter the season. The surface has to be broken in and games are rotated to even the wear.

Club President Anthony Lowery thanked sponsors and welcomed members and guests, including Lyons MPs Brian Mitchell and Mark Shelton, Senator Richard Colbeck, Meander Valley Councillors Susie Bower, Frank Nott and Wayne Johnston, and former Tasmanian Nationals Senator, Steve Martin.