New Deloraine gallery pops up

The Pop- Up Gallery, next to the Amcal Pharmacy on Emu Bay Road.  Photos by Darren HarrisThe Pop- Up Gallery, next to the Amcal Pharmacy on Emu Bay Road.  Photos by Darren Harris

The Pop- Up Gallery, next to the Amcal Pharmacy on Emu Bay Road. Photos by Darren Harris

The first Pop-Up artist is Kath Wilmott, winner of the Launceston   Art Society’s summer exhibition at Eskleigh.The first Pop-Up artist is Kath Wilmott, winner of the Launceston   Art Society’s summer exhibition at Eskleigh.

The first Pop-Up artist is Kath Wilmott, winner of the Launceston

Art Society’s summer exhibition at Eskleigh.

Darren Harris

AN INITIATIVE of Arts Deloraine has popped up in conjunction with Ian Hewitt’s Amcal Pharmacy in Deloraine to support artists who were busy creating during COVID-19 but were getting low sales.

The Pop-Up Gallery at 62–64 Emu Bay Road, Deloraine will feature a different artist every two weeks.

Arts Deloraine President Margrett Tabor said the idea is to enhance Deloraine as an arts hub, enhance the streetscape with art and to help out local artists’ COVID-19 sales.

Margrett said Arts Deloraine is thankful to Ian Hewitt’s pharmacy for embracing the initiative by providing the space.

‘If the pharmacy requires it, the space will be available for the pharmacy, hence the pop up idea.’

If suitable, the space could be made available to assist the government’s COVID-19 vaccination roll out.

Kath Willmott was the first featured artist in the last two weeks of April with semi-abstract landscape paintings.

Vicki McDonald, with her mood paintings reflecting her passion for the natural environment, is currently exhibiting for the first two weeks of May.

Pop on in and have a look.


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