Meander Valley Gazette

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Lest we forget Westbury

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Top left: After the Dawn Service, Westbury RSL hosted a breakfast prepared and served by members and supporters of the Rotary Club of Westbury. Margaret Broomby, Tracey Webster and Annette Barrett are just three of the hard-working kitchen hands..

Top right: Students from Westbury Primary School stand to attention as Lee Brient sings the National Anthem and the New Zealand Anthem (in both Maori and English). The service also featured Chloe Grey who read her poem entitled ‘My Horse and I’. Chloe is the great, great grandaughter of Norman Harvey, a Sergeant in the 3rd Light Horse in WW1.

Bottom left: John Donaldson, with Sinai-Beth, are a well-loved feature of the Anzac Day March in Westbury. Sinai-Beth is descended from the Walers which carried the cavalrymen of the Light Horse and John wears the uniform and carries the equipment they would have used.

Bottom right: The Anzac Day marchers pass in front of the Westbury RSL, before the morning service. Gathering at the corner of William and Lyall Streets, the march proceeded to the Village Green, led by a contingent of five pipers and a drummer.

Photos supplied