Meander Valley Gazette

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New units on Westbury Rd to create no traffic problems

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Sharon Webb

A $2.5M proposal for 14 units in Prospect Vale will generate 91 vehicle movements a day in the area, but still meets Meander Valley planning scheme requirements, according to the developers.

The traffic assessment for the 297 Westbury Road development agrees that 91 vehicle movements a day does not comply with the planning scheme’s stipulated 40 movements a day where the speed limit is below 60km per hour.

Nevertheless the assessment says it maintains an acceptable level of safety for all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists, mainly because the previous use of the site as a commercial premises is likely

to have generated a higher level of traffic than the proposed development.

On a rectangular block owned by Masayuki Takasaka and Davis Lanham, the development will consist of fourteen homes, two rows of seven units facing each other.

It includes 42 on site car parking spaces – 28 garage spaces and 14 spaces at 90 degrees to the central access roadway.

The planning application’s traffic impact assessment by Midson Traffic states that the development meets all planning requirements.

They say that although the development would generate up to nine vehicle movements an hour during peak periods, there would be ‘no significant efficiency or safety impacts’.

Midson claims that the location of a traffic island will restrict access to left in/left out movements, reducing the level of conflict on Westbury Road, providing a relatively safe access environment.

They note that there is sufficient spare capacity in Westbury Road near the existing site access to absorb the peak hour traffic generated from the proposed development.

They also say access to the new development will replace an existing access that has been in use for many years without issue and is relatively clear and obvious for all road users.

Meander Valley Council is yet to consider the planning application and public comment on it closed on 3 May.