A good voice for radio

Linda Irwin AKA Bella Brown, Egyptonerd and mellifluous radio presenter at MVFM.  Photo by Darren HarrisLinda Irwin AKA Bella Brown, Egyptonerd and mellifluous radio presenter at MVFM.  Photo by Darren Harris

Linda Irwin AKA Bella Brown, Egyptonerd and mellifluous radio presenter at MVFM. Photo by Darren Harris

The voices of MVFM

John Phelps

Linda Irwin has the voice for radio. This is probably explained by the fact that she grew up in Surrey, where everyone apparently aspires to speak like a traditional BBC radio announcer.

Then, she spent a good many years in exotic places, especially around the Mediterranean.

She rode camels around the Sahara Desert and lived in Libya, Cyprus and around the Nile. She became an Egyptonerd and to this day, remains fascinated by all things connected with ancient Egypt’s history and culture.

She was even present when President Nasser and USSR President Nikita Krushchev viewed the progress of the Aswan Dam construction. And she met King Idris of Libya’s bee-keeper.

She moved to Australia in 1982 and is now a proud Tasmanian.

Linda’s tastes in music tend to be in the ‘easy listening’ area and among her favourite performers she lists Nat King Cole, Billie Holliday and Ella Fitzgerald. She has strong words to say about some of the music she doesn’t like, but we won’t go there just now.

She loves classical music, with the significant omission of the works of Gustav Mahler.

Linda, whose nom de radio is Bella Brown, has already presented four series of programs at MVFM: ‘Women in Song’, ‘Magic of Musicals’, ‘Smooth Crooners’ and ‘Step Back in Time’. And there’s more to come.

Bella may be heard on Fridays at 7 pm.

So, if you wish to hear the Meander Valley’s ‘voice for radio’, there’s your chance.


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