Meander Valley Gazette

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All female fire crew an Agfest first

The ground-breaking, all female Tasmania Fire Service crew for Agfest, from left: Georgina Rigby, Bronwyn Rigby, Julie Penney, Monique Broadby and Kim Brundle-Lawrence OAM.  Photo supplied The ground-breaking, all female Tasmania Fire Service crew for Agfest, from left: Georgina Rigby, Bronwyn Rigby, Julie Penney, Monique Broadby and Kim Brundle-Lawrence OAM.  Photo supplied

The ground-breaking, all female Tasmania Fire Service crew for Agfest, from left: Georgina Rigby, Bronwyn Rigby, Julie Penney, Monique Broadby and Kim Brundle-Lawrence OAM. Photo supplied

David Claridge

Agfest was back up and running to the Valley’s delight despite a reduction in the usual crowd numbers.

This year, Agfest saw a new achievement for the Agfest Fire station with its first all female fire crew.

The Tasmania Fire Service fills multiple roles every year at Agfest, from community engagement, equipment sales, to providing services on site.

The service also provides fire crews on the ground for the duration of Agfest, in the event of an incident, which could be anything from a fire to a plane crash.

Kim Brundle-Lawrence OAM, a volunteer with the Carrick fire brigade, was part of the milestone crew.

‘In my 30 years at Agfest it was the first time there was an all female fire crew ready to respond. It was nice to be part of it’, she said.

‘Between us, there was about 80 years of experience. We helped a few people around the site but there were no fires.’

Tasmania Fire Service shared the story on Facebook and comments highlighted other times when female crews worked in career and volunteer brigades across Tasmania. Agfest is now on that list.