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Rebecca Doyle will be plying her trade as a barber from her mobile caravan in Westbury.  Photo by Darren HarrisRebecca Doyle will be plying her trade as a barber from her mobile caravan in Westbury.  Photo by Darren Harris

Rebecca Doyle will be plying her trade as a barber from her mobile caravan in Westbury. Photo by Darren Harris

Darren Harris

Carrying on a family tradition, Bex Blades and Beards is a new mobile barber in Westbury.

Owned and operated by Rebecca Doyle, the striking red and white striped caravan will be on the Meander Valley Road, next to the Westbury Recreation Ground on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9am–5pm.

Bex Blades and Beards offers a walk-in service to men and boys only, no appointments.

Rebecca has been a hairdresser for over 25 years.

Formerly from Ulverstone, Rebecca said her colourful, retro, mobile caravan is dedicated to her father Trevor Wells, who was a hairdresser for over 40 years in Somerset.

‘My great, great uncle and my mum were also hairdressers, so it runs in the family.

‘I use beard oils locally made in Hadspen by Remarkabeard, using Tassie natural ingredients. The solar panels were put in by Westbury Solar, and the painting was done by Deloraine Signs.’


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