Meander Valley Gazette

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Choc chips and oat biscuits, not cookies!

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Healthy and delicious, these biscuits are perfect for afternoon tea or school lunches. Photo supplied.

Wendy Hays

I have just broken the f key on my computer through violent stabbing at it whilst writing an email of grievance regarding information about the Tasmanian food scene in a popular Australian food and travel magazine. 

Both the May and June editions featured articles stating that Tasmania is ‘across the Tasman’ rather than across Bass Strait.

Clearly the writer either failed Grade 5 geography or had a serious neural lapse. And no, they weren’t from New Zealand.

To make recompense, I suggested the magazine might do a special feature on the amazing food and beverage producers, accommodation providers and eateries in the Meander Valley.

Interestingly there was no correction in this month’s edition of the magazine and I have not received a response to my email. Does anyone own up to and apologise for mistakes these days?

So I will just have to practice deep breathing, put on some soothing music, brew a strong cup of tea and have a freshly baked oaty choc chip biscuit (or two) to restore my equilibrium. 

Oaty Choc Chip Biscuits


125g butter, softened

1/2 cup castor sugar

1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar

1 egg, lightly beaten

1 & 1/4 cup rolled oats

1 cup plain flour

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda

1/4 tsp salt

1 cup choc chips or 175g grated chocolate


Pre-heat oven to 180°C and line four trays with baking paper.

Sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and bicarb soda.

Beat together the softened butter and sugars until thick and pale using an electric mixer.

Gradually add the beaten egg.

Using a knife or metal spoon, gently stir in the choc chips/chocolate and sifted dry ingredients.

Spoon or roll tablespoons of mixture and place onto tray. Flatten the lumps slightly.

Bake for 10–15 minutes until golden brown around the edges. Cool for a few minutes on the tray then cool on a cooling rack.

The biscuits will be still soft when cooked but will firm up on cooling. 

Makes about 30