Meander Valley Gazette

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Virtual TAFE campus

A $10 million virtual campus will soon enable regional students to study at TasTAFE online from 2025. 

TasTAFE educators are creating a blend of remote training, practical on-campus experiences and 24-hour access to digital content and learning activities, with the first courses being trialled in the second half of 2022.

A further $4 million will be invested into rural and remote sites which can service TasTAFE training through a partnership between Libraries Tasmania and TasTAFE.

In addition, the government will invest $10 million into the Alanvale Campus in Launceston for a new student learning hub to replace the current library, the expansion of the health training hub to include a new alcohol, drugs and youth mental health training facility, and equipment and technology upgrades to support apprentice training and keep pace with industry requirements.