Meander Valley Gazette

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Harvesting rain with Raincube


When Alistair Rule purchased a block of land in the Meander Valley with no access to water and without any built structures to attach fixed water tanks, he decided to do something about it. 

Alistair required a water supply so newly planted trees would survive and remembered seeing an abundance of IBCs sitting on rural properties all over Tasmania that were no longer in use. He thought these could be repurposed to turn them into a unique portable rainwater storage system. 

Alistair used his skills as a builder to design and develop a portable rainwater harvesting system that captures rainfall, via a custom-built metal roofing structure that directs rain from the roof into an IBC, which holds 1000 litres of rainwater. 

Portability was a feature that Alistair wanted to incorporate in his design and the IBC ticked the box for this feature to become reality, aptly naming his innovation the Raincube.  

What started out as one person’s desire to find a water solution for his off grid property has evolved into a product with tremendous potential for people seeking an additional portable water storage system.

This system can be used for many purposes such as livestock, gardens, fire mitigation, prevention or even washing the dog. 

Water from  a Raincube is not suitable for human consumption. 

With the fire season fast approaching Alistair is expecting increased demand for Raincubes, particularly from off grid property owners.  

A fire hose can be fed through the top opening or connected to the tap at the bottom of the IBC and Raincube provides two couplings – IBC-50mm bsp and an IBC to garden hose. 

Farmers who already have IBCs may wish to purchase the Raincube roofing structure only. 

Measurements on repurposed IBCs can differ, so each Raincube roofing structure needs to be made and assembled specific to individual IBC measurements.

Farmers can drop their IBC off to Alistair to be fitted with the roofing structure. Alternatively, if 2 or more roofing kits are ordered, Alistair can construct and assemble them on site. 

Raincube has a roof area of 3.2m2. If annual rain fall was 1 metre, this would collect approximately 3200 litres.

Raincube is also an ideal product for apartments and rooftop gardens. 

A complete Raincube unit sells for $1450 including 2 couplings. Raincube Roofing structure sells for $1275 which includes the cost of assembly. 

For all enquiries, please contact Alistair Rule at