Stay vigilant for signs of blueberry rust

Biosecurity Tasmania is investigating a detection of blueberry rust (BBR) on a commercial berry farm in the north of the State.

Blueberry rust was detected earlier this week and reported to Biosecurity Tasmania by the farm operators. Biosecurity Tasmania has immediately responded to reduce the risk of movement of the disease.

Blueberry rust is present in low levels in Tasmania and Biosecurity Tasmania has been working closely with nursery operators and commercial berry growers for several years to minimise any impact of blueberry rust.

“Biosecurity Tasmania’s first priority is to contain the rust to the individual property,” Biosecurity Tasmania Acting General Manager Kevin de Witte said.

“Restrictions on the movement of fruit and plant material, equipment, staff and visitors are in place to help contain the rust and we will work with the grower to develop a site management plan.”

Biosecurity Tasmania has also begun tracing investigations.

The detection takes the number of currently infected premises to seven, in the north and north-west of the state.

Growers have been informed and updates will be provided as investigations continue.

“This is also a good reminder that all Tasmanians should remain vigilant for signs of blueberry rust, including in home gardens,” Dr de Witte said.

Suspect plants should not be disturbed or moved. Anyone who suspects blueberry rust should contact Biosecurity Tasmania on (03) 6165 3777.

Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania file number: D21-236950.

Blueberry rust is a serious disease of blueberries that causes extensive defoliation and may cause plant death in cases of severe infection. More information, including signs and symptoms, is at


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