Meander Valley Gazette

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PM visits Deloraine after flood

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Meander Valley Council workers with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Senator Murray Watt, Mayor Wayne Johnston and Brian Mitchell MP. Photo by Craig Zimitat. 

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese visited Deloraine with Minister for Emergency Management Senator Murray Watt and Federal Member for Lyons Brian Mitchell MP just after the height of the recent floods. 

This year’s flood levels exceeded historic 2016 records, with waters tickling the nose of the Mountain Men river bank sculpture and lapping the Queens Bridge at their height.

The Prime Minister and Senator Watt received briefings from Mayor Johnson and members of the Meander Valley SES before thanking local emergency services, council workers and volunteers for their incredible contributions over the last week of recent floods.

Minister for Emergency Management Senator Murray Watt with Meander Valley SES Responders. Photo by Craig Zimitat. 

The Prime Minister visited the Council Works Depot and toured the Deloraine Football Ground and clubrooms, which were again all hard hit by flood waters, suffering significant damage. 

Deloraine Football club President Don Tracey and coach Lochie Dornauf sought the PM’s support for funding of a higher clubroom with concrete changing rooms on the ground floor that could be hosed out when flooded.

They cheekily reminded the PM that, “We’re the Kangaroos, not the Dolphins!”

The Prime Minister continued to Hobart where he announced that the Commonwealth, Tasmanian and Victorian Governments had reached a tripartite agreement to progress Marinus Link the Marinus Link.