Meander Valley Gazette

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Proposed road upgrade falls short of national standards

Even after the proposed, limited road upgrade by the State Government, Birralee Road will still not be suitable freight route that meets National Standards for a Heavy Vehicle Route.

The proposal outlined does not meet National Standards for the current 100km/hr speed limit.

Residents have reported sleeplessness because of the sound of “freight trains running though their head”, through their gardens and over their mailboxes.

There are fears for wildlife and stock safety that could be addressed by underpasses.

Residents also have concerns for the safety of children walking home along the road from the bus stop whilst facing trucks coming at them around blind corners.

The route currently clocks 200 trucks/day, with more predicted by State Growth after the upgrade.

Residents continue to be proactive in seeking a solution to this issue. Requests for a lower speed limit have come to naught.

In a petition presented to parliament, they have proposed the introduction of a curfew and a speed limit on the part of the road where homes are the most dense as the cheapest option, with low impact on the industry, but maximum safety dividend.

Planning approval for the upgrade between the industrial estate and Selbourne Road will soon be sought from the newly constituted Meander Valley Council to find the sweet spot between concerns of residents and meet compliance with the Planning Act.