Meander Valley Gazette

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Twenty-five years on the trail

Last month, past and present members and volunteers of the Tasmania Trail Association celebrated The Trail’s 25th birthday at the Great Lakes Hotel at Miena. 

Starting in Devonport the Trail traverses country roads, forges rivers, climbs up into the highlands, winds through forests and even travels across farms and along Hydro tracks, before descending to end at the ocean at Dover. 

Walk it, run it, or ride it on bike or horse, it is an amazing way to connect to the landscape in a way that driving can not. 

Travellers come from around the world to, equipped with GPS and Guidebook, some camping or organising their adventure to be able to sleep in a comfy bed at the many small towns along the way.

The trail cuts through the Meander Valley from Bracknell, through Liffey, Quamby Corner and Red Hills to Mole Creek and on to Railton.

The Trail is both managed and maintained by a small group of volunteers who ensure the trail is well signposted, repair the campsites, manage the bookings and publish the guidebook.