Best’s Butchery brings home the bacon

Recently Deloraine’s local butchery entered the 2022 Australian Charcuterie Excellence Awards, a national smallgoods competition.

These are the premier awards for the Australian smallgoods industry, recognising products of the highest quality.

Over 350 products from across Australia were submitted and judged by an impressive line-up of judges which included fleischmeisters, award-winning celebrity chefs, artisan smallgoods makers and industry legends!

Best’s were thrilled to find that their bacon entry won a National Gold Award.

This award follows on from the 2021 Tasmanian Fine Foods Awards, where they were awarded ‘gold’ for both their leg ham and bacon.

This 2022 national award further recognises the quality and excellence of their local, handcrafted product.

Best’s Butchery products are sourced locally and made instore.

Their ham and bacon have always been highly popular and sought after, and with this award their bacon now has been nationally recognised as one of the very “Best”.


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