Meander Valley Gazette

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Community rallies behind family in need

An unwell man, his children and their dog have been living in dire conditions just outside of Deloraine. 

In Weetah, not far from Deloraine, a family of three and their dog has been living in a tent and a caravan with no basic amenities for four years.

Edward Whiteside, who is undergoing treatment for aggressive lung cancer, and his sons Shamus (12) and Jasper (14) have no electricity, no running water, no vehicle and no basic amenities. 

Bush rats are attracted to the family’s food in the van, which in turn attracts snakes.

The boys are no longer comfortable sleeping in the van due to the risk of snakes and sleep in the tent despite very low overnight temperatures. 

Snake catcher Bert Bannister was called to the property to tackle the situation and was blown away by what the Whitesides were dealing with. 

When Bert told his daughter Tamika about the conditions this family has been living in, she decided to utilise her connections in the community to make a difference in their lives.

After going to Weetah and meeting Edward for herself, Tamika launched a GoFundMe page, Tamika wrote an impassioned plea for donations.

Thanks to Tamika’s action and the kindness of strangers, the fundraiser has reached over $35,000 dollars and gained the attention of Housing Minister Michael Ferguson. 

“I found this story very disturbing and immediately sought further information so we can help the family,” he said.

“I understand that Housing Tasmania was not aware of this family or their circumstances, and believe that the family had not as of yet requested assistance.”

Mr Ferguson has personally spoken to the family and has connected them to the Housing Connect support team.

“I am truly hoping that suitable housing will be secured via our government and then this money can be spent on essential items for their home, and getting the boys back to school,” Tamika said. 

“While Edward is having treatment, we will continue to raise awareness and funds and once he is back on deck we will then move forward with withdrawing the funds.”

The goal has been stretched to $40,000 dollars. If you are interested in donating, go to