Meander Valley Gazette

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Rich rump rolls

Wendy Hays

When driving through the towns of the Meander Valley, I am rather saddened to witness abandoned buildings that once housed busy butcher shops.

Maybe the demise of the town butcher is due to the population eating less meat, an increased consumption of takeaway food and the proliferation of one stop and shop supermarkets? However, the local butcher has a lot to offer.

Where else are you greeted by name, get a quality product delivered with brisk, personal service and, can have a bit of a chin wag about local goings on? I can’t think of anywhere else where purchases are still tallied on scraps of paper and hygiene and presentation are of equal importance.

Butchers seem to be eternally optimistic and cheerful despite the physicality of the work and long hours on the job.

Visiting the local butcher also does wonders for the self-esteem as all females seem to be addressed as “young lady” regardless of their age.

If we want our local butchers to survive and thrive, it is important to support them when we can.

I’m sure you will be treated warmly by your local butcher when you request the thinly cut steak required for this month’s recipe.

Steak Rolls in Savoury Sauce


• About 750g topside or rump steak – ask the butcher to cut it thinly

• About 4 rashers of bacon – rind removed

• 3Tb. plain flour seasoned with salt and pepper

• 60g butter

• 3/4C water

• 1 beef stock cube

• 1/4C red wine vinegar

• 1/4 - 1/3C red wine

• 1 – 2 ts finely grated lemon rind

• ½ C tomato juice or canned tomatoes or a couple of Tb. of tomato paste mixed with water

• 3 Tb. plum jam

• Fresh mixed herbs


1 Cut the steak into squares that are approximately 7cm and trim the rind from the bacon.

2 Roll the steak pieces around pieces of bacon to enclose the bacon.

3 Secure rolls with a tooth pick.

4 Roll the rolls in seasoned flour.

5 Melt the butter in a frying pan until hot then fry the rolls until brown. Remove.

6 Add the stock cube, water, wine, tomato, lemon rind, vinegar and jam to the pan and stir until smooth.

7 Place the steak rolls into the sauce and simmer gently uncovered until the meat is tender and cooked.

8 Allow some of the liquid to evaporate to thicken the sauce.

9 Taste test and add a little brown sugar if the flavour of the vinegar is too strong.

10 Serve over mashed potato.

This recipe freezes successfully and can be made using your slow cooker.