Catch up with the “Golden Oldies”

Barry Westwood

Some years back, a group of local men got together over a cuppa to discuss the possibility of forming a men’s group. They would meet once a month to remember the good old days and share their stories of involvement within the Meander Valley.

The main locals included Kevin (Luke) Bowles, Murray (Mac) Kettle, Brian (Bill) Youd, Don (Simmo) Simpson and David (Doggie) Elmer.

Together with about ten other local men, they met at the Deloraine Bowls Club.

Word spread around and encouraged other retirees to contact the ex-locals who had moved from the area but had been heavily involved in work, community, and sport in the Meander Valley.

It was an opportunity to re-establish contact after many years.

As time progressed, these gatherings had a steady increase in numbers reaching an average of 25 at monthly meetings.

Many stories and tales were shared and remembered - mostly true, but some had gained exaggeration over the years.

The group also had meetings at the Golf Club. However, three years ago, they moved to the Western Tiers Community Club (formerly the Senior Citizens Club) as it was deemed a central location.

The name “Deloraine Golden Oldies Men’s Group” was established and continues to meet at the WTCC on the first Thursday of each month at 10 am.

Morning Tea is supplied, followed by some hilarious discussions and reminiscing of the days and times gone by.

A guest speaker is often invited, and various topics are covered.

Currently, the group averages 35 in attendance but has had up to 50 on some occasions.

If you are a local or ex-local and would like to know more about us, please attend or contact any of the names listed above.

Former locals live in Launceston and along the northwest coast and travel once a month to have a “cuppa and a bikkie” with their former school, work, and sports mates.


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