Meander Valley Gazette

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Council calls for feedback on dog policy

Meander Valley Council has drafted a new dog management policy and is asking for the community to have their say on the proposed changes. 

What is Council’s Dog Management Policy?

Under State Government legislation (Dog Control Act 2000), all Councils are required to implement their own Dog Management Policy which includes a range of regulations not limited to; where dogs are and are not allowed, registration, noise control and responsible pet ownership.

Why is Council’s Dog Management Policy being updated? 

All Councils are required to review their Dog Management Policy every five years and Council’s current policy is now due for renewal.

What are the proposed changes?

Introduction of Declared Areas: A key aspect of any dog management policy is the inclusion of ‘declared’ areas which outline where dogs are allowed off-lead, allowed on-lead, restricted or prohibited.

The reviewed Dog Management Policy includes a number of declared areas.

Declared areas where dogs will be allowed off-lead:

In response to many requests from residents, Council has declared additional areas as suitable for off-lead dog exercise. The areas proposed would be fully fenced and include:

• Dual gate access

• Dog waste bag dispensers and bins

• Seating

• Designated small and large dog areas

• Responsible dog ownership educational signage

The areas proposed to be new off-lead dog exercise areas are:

• Prospect Vale: Lomond Views Estate Private Open Space, Chris Street.

• Hadspen: Hadspen Bull Run, Main Street.

• Westbury: Westbury Recreation Ground, Franklin Street.

Declared areas where dogs will be restricted to on-lead only:

• Westbury: Town Common, Mary Street.

• All other public areas in Meander Valley.

Declared areas where dogs will be prohibited:

• Playing surfaces of all Council owned and managed sportsgrounds.

Introduction of educational signage

Signage will be erected to educate dog owners about their responsibilities across the various declared areas.

This will be achieved with the introduction of a “traffic light” system whereby red indicates dogs are prohibited, amber indicates dogs are allowed on-lead and green indicating dogs are allowed off-lead.

Introduction of lifetime dog registration options

Residents will be provided the option of paying a one-off lifetime dog registration fee instead of having to renew their dog’s registration annually.

Where can I read a copy of the Draft Dog Management Policy?

Online: to read or download a copy of the Draft Dog Management Policy, go to

In person: copies of the Draft Dog Management Policy are available to collect from Council’s customer service centre at 26 Lyall Street, Westbury.

By post: phone Council on 6393 5300 and we can arrange to have a copy posted to you.

How do I leave my feedback?

Use the form on to submit your feedback online. 

Alternatively, you can email Council to or phone us on 6393 5300.

Consultation is open until 5pm, Wednesday 25 May.

What happens next?

Following the closure of the consultation period, all feedback received will be considered and will help inform any further changes.

The revised Dog Management Policy will then be endorsed at the next scheduled Ordinary Council Meeting before being rolled out across the municipality over the next 12 months.