Return of the MV Art Award

Winner of the award in 2020, Judy Nelson chose art as her means to comment on the proposed prison at Westbury and the town’s unique history.

The Meander Valley Art Award aims to increase participation in art making and engagement in the visual arts.

It returns in 2022, embracing concepts of change, growth and new beginnings.

The award is open to various media and styles, including digital, watercolour, acrylic, pastel, mixed media and oils. Other forms such as textiles, folk art, glass, wood, and sculptural works are also welcome.

The new “Shed Art” category aims to encourage creatives who don’t consider themselves studio artists to take the step and release their work to the public.

All works should have their inspiration rooted in the local region.

While the theme of Metamorphosis affords exploration of traditional natural and agricultural subject matter, it also affords the opportunity to explore personal re-invention and contemporary political and social change issues in the region.

The Meander Valley Art Award is a collaboration between Meander Valley Council, Arts Deloraine and the Launceston Art Society.

It will officially open on Friday, 30 September 2022, in the Westbury Town Hall for three weeks.

Full details, including the prize details, call for entries and conditions of entry, will be released in early July 2022.

The Meander Valley Art Award could not be delivered without the generous support of sponsors, and this year a dedicated sponsorship package has been developed.

“The sponsorship package offers some real value. Not only will sponsors have the opportunity to display their brand, but there are some award naming rights available too,” said Craig Zimitat of Arts Deloraine.

“Meander Valley identifies very strongly with the arts, and we welcome any support.

“Whether it’s a little, a lot or in-kind, it all helps foster creative pursuits in the whole region.”

If you are interested in sponsoring the 2022 Meander Valley Art Award, contact Craig Zimitat at or Nate Austin at for more details about the sponsorship opportunities available.

The annual award began as the Meandering Art Award in 2007, managed by the Launceston Art Society with prizes sponsored by the Meander Valley Council and others, including Bendigo Bank, Heritage Tasmania, Quadrant Super, Bullock Consulting, 60 Degrees, Quamby Estate and Country Club Tasmania.

It had close ties to the Meander region, with many entries from local artists aligned with agricultural themes.

The award was usually exhibited at Bendigo Bank or the Country Club for several months over the summer.

The Meander Valley Council acquired award-winning works, and today they hang in the council foyer.

In 2018, the award transitioned to the Great Western Tiers Art Award with new sponsors but maintained rural themes.

The exhibition was hung at Deloraine Creative Studios.

If you are interested in joining Arts Deloraine, nomination forms are available at the Deloraine Visitor’s Centre or by email from


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