Meander Valley Gazette

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Choosing a house for chooks

Chook houses come in many different shapes and sizes and are made of many different materials.

Mobile – Kit Chook Houses

Pet shops and big hardware sell kit chook houses usually made of pine (it rots quickly) these houses wont last long in the weather and can be blown over in strong winds.

The metal houses won’t blow over but are unsuitable in summer unless they are well ventilated and placed in the shade.

These houses are high maintenance they need to be cleaned regularly and you are always bent over.

Chooks need at least 0.6 square meter per chook so you need to factor this when purchasing.

The Permanent Chook House

Chook houses come in many shapes and sizes, but the one the Victorian and New South Wales Primary Industry Departments recommend is this house designed for 12 laying hens (see plans).

The house should face north to get the full benefit of the sun - the plans detail a 800mm overhang on the roof that allows the winter sun in and shades it in summer.

The roof should be insulated and the iron should be light coloured to greatly reduce the heat in the pen during summer.

The front of the house is partially covered in wire netting with a small diameter that will exclude small birds and rodents.

The plan suggests placing the nest boxes on the outside but I prefer to place them inside to provide the opportunity to check on the chooks when collecting the eggs.

The water should be placed inside the house.

I would recommend concrete footing to depth of 30cm be put in place rather than a slab as this will allow you to use the deep litter method which reduces internal parasites and is low maintenance.

Finding Information

In previous articles, I have said information is available online but I realise that many people don’t have access to a computer or know how to use one.

If this is you, consider visiting one of our two online access centres Deloraine and Mole Creek, or even your local library. The volunteers or staff there will gladly assist you in obtaining the information.