Meander Valley Gazette

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Commemorative gift for RSL

Director of the Deloraine Rotary Club Andrew Dare presented the gift to Greg Hall, President of the Deloraine RSL. Photo supplied. 

Over many years the Rotary Club of Deloraine has developed significant projects in the Deloraine community. Possibly the most significant project has been the Tasmania Craft Fair, which was once known as the Deloraine Craft Fair.

This project has funded many projects within the community including two walking bridges across the Meander River, trees on both entrances to Deloraine from the Bass Highway, amazing works of art and sculptures scattered throughout the area, a railway crossing to ensure children are safe when gaining access to the swimming pool and, together with other community clubs, cleaning up and enhancing the banks of the Meander River to be the showcase it is today.

Not only does the Rotary Club of Deloraine develop and complete local projects, but it also works with other community organisations, such as the local radio station, contributing equipment to the Deloraine SES, financial and management assistance to Giant Steps Tasmania and contributing equipment to the Deloraine Hospital.

Recently the Rotary Club of Deloraine sourced a significant piece of memorabilia referring to the “Unknown Soldier.”

The Rotary Club of Deloraine decided to gift this memorabilia to the Deloraine RSL Sub Branch. Director of the club Andrew Dare presented the gift to Greg Hall, President of the Deloraine RSL.

Mr Hall said the subbranch was very grateful to have received this distinguished gift. 

Referring to the Unknown Soldier, the simple words, “You're home now mate” strike a chord with most Australians.

The Deloraine RSL is currently looking at ways of enhancing a history room in the club premises, to display some of the remarkable contributions made by ex servicemen and women from our districts during times of conflict.