Statewide success for pony club

On Sunday June 5 the Deloraine Pony Club and three other Northern Zone riders travelled to Hobart to ride in the Pony Club Tasmania Prince Phillip State Mounted Games competition.

This event was hosted by Brighton and Southern Midlands Pony Club at Pontville equestrian centre.

To be selected for this competition, clubs recently competed in the Mounted Games held in Springfield in May, hosted by the North East PC.

Fifteen teams from eight Pony Clubs competed in an A and/or B Division comps with the top four teams in A Division going forward to the State competition, and the DDPC made it through.  

While the north of the state was being battered by bad weather conditions, the south turned on some sunshine for the riders.

Mounted games are a combination of speed, skill, agility and hand/eye coordination challenges.

The DDPC team was on fire all day, making very few mistakes and winning 11 out of 15 games.

They extend their thanks to their amazing and dedicated coach Geraldine How.

After an exciting action-packed day, the results were fantastic for the Deloraine team (made up of five riders and ponies and a reserve rider).

Deloraine District Pony Club came home with a first place in the B Division.

The riders on the day were Sophie Orchard riding Roy, Paige How riding Donkey, Indi Bowles riding Holly, Charli-Anne Bennett riding Tommy, Ruby Atkins riding Shrek, and the reserve rider was Natalia Blair riding Tarn. 

Thank you to Cristy Hall, Commissioner of the Deloraine District Pony Club District, for supplying this information. 


Patsy Crawford scribbling away


Choosing a house for chooks