Meander Valley Gazette

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Youth voice on community action in response to climate change

Climate change will significantly impact our health and wellbeing, the natural environment and the economy.

The 2021 Australian Local Government Climate Review reported that the majority of councils who participated were already impacted by climate change and were setting or planning emissions reduction targets for their own operations and across their community.

Meander Valley Council will host a Climate Change Youth Forum on Saturday 3 September 2022 from 10:30am to 3:30pm at the Westbury Function Centre in Franklin Street, Westbury.

“Meander Valley Council is already collaborating at a regional level to develop Council’s understanding and responses to climate change.

“We also want to create awareness and encourage action across the community, and this starts with our youth,” Mayor Johnston said.

Initiated by Councillor Deb White, the Forum will provide an opportunity for young people of the Meander Valley to express how they want to be engaged in climate change actions and to enable them to design local projects that can be implemented by the community.

“We really want to hear from our young people on this, they are passionate and innovative and bring a fresh energy and eagerness to issues,” Councillor White said.

Designed with input from local young people, the Forum will be run by skilled facilitators engaged to help our youth explore local social, economic and environmental issues that are likely to arise from global climate change.

Sessions will maximise young people’s contribution with the support of local adult mentors.

Registration for the Forum will be targeted to 16-30 year olds from the Meander Valley.

For more information, contact Council’s Community Wellbeing Department on 6393 5300.