Meander Valley Gazette

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Doreen’s 100 years

Doreen May Burns (nee Upston) was born om 7 August 1922 when George V was King, Billy Hughes was Australia’s Prime Minister.

She was born at home (the brick home still stands to this day) in Willowdale/Reedy Marsh on the south side of the Meander River.

Doreen was the eldest of six siblings (sadly, 2 of those siblings passed away in early infancy) Her grandparents (the Evenetts) lived over the river on a small farm on the north side (Johns Road) and family would commute via row boat to access both properties.

Doreen recalls vivid and happy memories of travelling by horse and cart to Deloraine accompanied by her grandmother to sell fruit from the small orchard on the farm.

The first motor car she ever rode in was her uncle Bill Evenett’s Model T Ford and she remembers sitting in the back with it’s big canopy over the top because she had only ridden on an open cart, bicycle or in a row boat.

As a child, play was simple, entertaining and without expense.

With her brother Jack Upston, Doreen would get inside an old galvanised water tank and get it to roll whilst walking inside it.

Running down roads hitting a hoop with a stick was fun too.

At Christmas time Doreen would hang a sock above the mantel and wake to find it filled with sweets, a tin whistle and an orange – she thought that was just great! The Johnson, Evenett and Upston families would congregate at the house for Christmas dinner and the kids would be fed before the adults – family was everything.

She attended Willowdale School and then transferred to Deloraine Public School.

Her parents bought her a bicycle to make the commute to school a little easier and in rain, hail or shine she would ride along the River Road with her cousin, Brian Evenett hitching a ride on the back.

Leaving school at aged 16, her first job was at Bonney’s Inn as a hairdresser’s assistant.

Doreen remembers waving to her uncle, a train driver, from the window of the Inn as he chugged past in a steam train.

Attending a dance at the Oddfellows Hall in Deloraine she was to meet her future husband, Roy Burns of Meander.

Over the time of their courtship Roy would ride his bicycle from Meander to Deloraine to see Doreen.

They married in Launceston in 1942 and later that year welcomed their first child – a daughter, Geraldine.

Soon after Roy was sent to the Northern Territory as a Civilian Serviceman following the bombing of Darwin, leaving behind a wife and infant.

Doreen moved in with her aunt Mary Evenett in Devonport and to support herself found a job as an assistant at a greengrocer’s shop.

Upon his return, Roy and Doreen moved to the Riverina district of NSW.

Moving to Altona North, Vic in 1959, they purchased a home where Doreen would reside for the next 46 years.

In 1961 her second child was born – a son, Rodney.

Sadly, in 1973 she became widowed, aged 51 and never remarried.

Doreen’s life centred around her love for her family, hard work, desire to owning her home and being a good provider.

She travelled regularly to visit relatives in Deloraine, Ulverstone and Hobart where her younger sister Thelma resides.

She has seen many changes over her 100 year journey … fashion, music, war, triumph, tragedy and 25 Prime Ministers in office.

Sadly, she has outlived all of her dearest friends.

She attributes her longevity to having good genes, exercise and good eating habits - meat and 3 veg and a love of yoghurt.

Despite having lived on the mainland for close to 80 years she is a proud Tasmanian.

She has been a resident of Bacchus Marsh, Vic since 2005.

Until mobility issues surfaced at age 97 she would walk (a round trip of about 2.5km) with a fellow resident of Bacchus Marsh Retirement for exercise and a bit of retail therapy around the town’s shopping centre.

Doreen’s 100th birthday celebrations kicked off with fellow residents and staff at Bacchus Marsh Retirement Living, concluding with a family reunion.

A good time was had by all - especially Doreen as she enjoyed the company of loved ones and an Irish whiskey or two!!!