Council seeks input to vision for Deloraine Racetrack redevelopment

The concept plan for the Deloraine Racetrack precinct. Concept plan courtesy of ARTAS Architects.

The Meander Valley community is being encouraged to have input into an innovative project to bring new life back into the Deloraine Racetrack.

Mayor Wayne Johnston said Council’s vision for the Deloraine Recreation Precinct is to create an inclusive regional-scale community space, “a recreational hub for everyone to enjoy including sporting clubs, families, youth, our aging population and people with disabilities.”

Council has developed a high level concept plan to spark debate and community input.

It includes ideas like a recreational lake, parkrun course, RV and camping amenities, cultural and artistic experiences, a second oval to support AFL, soccer and summer sports and improved tennis facilities.

In addition, the proposed development may include playground, picnic and park areas, walking tracks and dog off-leash areas.

Community input is an important part of shaping this project.

Council is also seeking input on ways to showcase and preserve the historical value of the Deloraine Racetrack which hosted the Tasmanian Grand National Steeplechase with its (heritage-listed) live gorse jumps for well over a century.

An investment of $15M in the sports and recreation activities sector in Deloraine, over 10 or so years, will generate significant social, health, economic and employment outcomes for the region.

The proposal has the backing of AFL Tasmania and Cricket Tasmania.

Council has allocated $600K to launch the project, with an additional $3.35M set aside from the Australian Government’s Community Development Grants Scheme (2018).

The Council will be consulting with key stakeholders and the general public through one-on-one meetings, street stalls and drop-in sessions throughout September.

The community can also provide feedback through the “Have Your Say” button on the Meander Valley Council home page.


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