Meander Valley Gazette

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Eleven years on the air, and counting

John Phelps

The Meander Valley Community Radio Committee members and presenters from Meander Valley Community Radio have recently celebrated the station’s eleventh successful year broadcasting 24/7.

And what a success it has been – good membership and sponsorship support and a very sound financial position, and plans for the future.

One plan, now almost a reality, is the installation of some new equipment which, among other things, will lessen the problems associated with general power outages.

Other developments are some structural changes which will mean that the station is looking for a volunteer to do some administrative office work for a couple of hours each week. If you can help, please contact the station.

The year has increased the range of locally-produced programs.

First, there was the arrival of the “Liffey Lounge Room” with Dave Hanslow and Chris Thompson (Fri, 8pm/Sat 4 pm) and their “interesting” music.

Then, along came Stephen Norwood and his “First Australian Music Hour” (Tue 8 pm) and indigenous music.

LJ now hosts another country music show – “New Country Tracks” (Thu 7 pm). Country music, by the way, appears to be the station’s most popular music genre with listeners.

And then, just a few months ago, “Meandering through the Arts” (Sat noon/Sun 11 am) first appeared.

This program is presented by Richard Dunlop, Nick Weare and John Phelps as they chat with local artists, actors, musicians and others associated with the arts in the Meander Valley.

For instance, recently featured artists and events have included The Festival of One-Act Plays, the GWT Art Exhibition at Westbury, concerts by Don Chorale and the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra and Carols on the Riverbank.

If you are involved in any art activity and would like to make it known on the radio station, just get in touch with one of the three presenters or with the station on 6362 4969.

2023 promises to be another great year for the station, which is based in the Deloraine Creative Studios at 59-61 Emu Bay Road, Deloraine.

It’s one of the many organisations of which the Meander Valley community can be justly proud.